Jungleland Animals

Out of the jungle emerge eight exotic erasers known as the Jungleland Animals. The set includes Africa’s most iconic large mammals: lion, tiger, hippo, rhino, elephant and gorilla — plus chimp, alligator & Komodo dragon. Diener introduced these “educational collector’s miniatures” in the late 1970s. They were freebies handed out with the McDonald’s “Safari Adventure” Happy Meal in 1980. Six of them became a boxed set with storyboards describing each animal in Diener’s educational “Play and Learn: What, Where & When” series, copyright 1982. After WinCraft bought Diener in 1993, they re-packaged them as “Jungle Beasts” with a special promise: “Guaranteed not to bite!!!”

Jungleland Animals Box Set

Jungle Beasts Packaged Set