Mythical Creatures

Unicorns, dragons and other legendary beings emerged from mythology and folklore to materialize as erasers in the Mythical Creatures line. Diener released them around 1980, perhaps based on the craze for fantasy adventure via “Dungeons and Dragons” and “The Lord of the Rings.” The set of six includes three that clearly come from Greek mythology: centaur, minotaur, and medusa. The others are rooted in multiple traditions: dragon, unicorn and garuda (also called birdman or harpy).  The sextet became a boxed set with storyboards describing the myth behind each creature in Diener’s 1982 “Play and Learn: What, Where & When” series, copyright 1982. They were also sold in blister packs and bins, either assorted or unicorns-only. 

Mythical Creatures Box Set – 1982